Writing Tip 95: Canvas vs. Canvass

Canvas vs. Canvass
What are you looking at here? Spell the word. Go.

Ah, Election Day, that day when a candidate canvasses neighborhoods for the last time. Or is it “canvases”? Whether you’re happy with election results or not, we can all agree on one thing: gay marriage, states’ rights, rooster ownership laws, “canvas” and “canvass” are two different words.

  • “Canvas” is the material one might paint upon. It’s something hung upon your wall or the material that makes up a bag. As a verb, it can mean to cover with canvas.
  • “To canvass” is to campaign, stump, or solicit votes. It can also mean to thoroughly discuss.

This one came to my attention recently in a caught typo, but it seemed like a timely one. You have many civic duties. I know knowing proper word choice isn’t necessarily one of them, but I hold that it’s important. (If you didn’t get that from me already.)

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