Writing Tip 122: Lose vs. Loose

Writing tip lose looseSure, we can be loose with our grammar sometimes, but we shouldn’t lose it all together. This is admittedly tricky sometimes when logical pronunciations don’t follow certain spelling rules, but we have to take a moment, ponder what we mean to say, and get it right.

For example, “loose” is the opposite of tight. We hear that “oo” sound like in “caboose,” so this is a logical spelling. The problem comes with “lose,” which, of course, is the opposite of win. It’s not a rhyme for “hose” or “rose.” It also has the “oo” sound, but without the double “o.”

Lose vs. Loose comes down to just remembering the difference. Just take a moment when you’re writing these two. Loose interpretations of spelling tend to lose their meaning.